Whether your gate needs repairs, a service, or you need a replacement, Viking Doors has an experienced and knowledgeable team to turn to. Let us worry about your gate automation so you can continue your day-to-day operations.
We service all makes and models of commercial automatic gates and carry industrial operators and control accessories to keep your business safe and secure. We are authorized representatives of Liftmaster and Nice, but we also take other commercial automatic gate manufacturers to ensure we have a great selection of choices to choose from. We have options to allow you to control your gate remotely, check its status from your smartphone or set recurring schedules to open and close your gate at specified times, all while doing this from anywhere in the world.
Viking Doors carries a variety of gate operators to accommodate cantilever, slide and swing gates. Below are some ideas of gate models to choose from:
Cantilever gate. Cantilever gates are held above the ground, moving via rollers running along the top and inside of the fence with wheels attached to a vertical concrete foundation. These are ideal if keeping a track area clean is difficult. These gates provide high security with far less upkeep. These are a favorite with our commercial customers.
Swinging gate. This gate style is perfect if your commercial/industrial area is on a hill or has heavy snowfall throughout the year. This type of gate system can be adjusted to allow for uneven ground clearance. This style of gate can come in all sizes to allow for larger farm vehicles to pass.
Sliding gate. If your commercial/industrial area is flat, a sliding gate is a good choice because they are suitable for areas with limited space because they slide to the side and are neatly tucked away. They also don’t require extra clearance to swing open.
All our gate systems come with built-in safety devices, which will help prevent your gate from closing on an object in its way, which is ideal if you have slow-moving vehicles, pets or children on the premise.
We provide in-house technical support and offer 24-hour emergency service from all of our locations. Let us help you keep uninvited guests out of the areas you have designated as secured.
To speak to us about products and services or to get a free quote, Contact us!